Friday, February 25, 2011

I LOVE Blogs

I don't really know what the difference is between a website and blog, so I asked "The Google", which is what Lawrence's law partner says to do whenever someone has a question about something.  Most definitions I found said a website is more static, while a blog is an informal media for sharing news, information, views, and ideas about a niche topic.  Well, whatever the definition, I've found myself over the last few years becoming increasingly addicted to blogs.  It started with a few scrapbooking blogs, and while looking at those I stumbled across a few other blogs, and before I knew it I was reading four of five blogs on a daily basis.  I would say these days I check in on about six friends' blogs, two scrapbooking blogs, two blogs of people I don't know, but whose blogs I found a few years ago and think are really cool (so I feel like I know them, is that creepy?), and my current favorite, The Pioneer Woman (she is so funny, and her site is amazing).  I find all these blogs so inspiring...they lift me up and give me ideas...they make me more creative and motivate me to try new things.  I love to read people's thoughts and travel along on their journeys.  Pictures, ideas, rants, matter the topic, I love it all. 

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