Sunday, November 27, 2011

So Thankful - A Blessed Thanksgiving

Wow, what a Thanksgiving weekend we had!  This will be the longest blog post yet, because we have crammed more into the last five days then I would have thought possible, but I would say we are thankful for a fantastic Thanksgiving (that makes sense, right?).  

The kids were off school on Wednesday, so on Tuesday night they were itching to get out and do something fun.  Sarah headed to the movies with some girls from school and John and Lawrence went on a late night go carting adventure with MT and Sydney.  John has been wanting to do this for a while, and Lawrence surprised him with this fun outing, which met all his expectations and more.  

John's ready to go!
MT's ready to race!
We always have the Young family over the night before Thanksgiving, so Wednesday was spent cooking and preparing for our first of three Thanksgiving feasts.  The kids love helping prepare everything, and I kept them busy with plenty of chores.

John polishes Florencie's silver
Sarah sets the kid's table
John's favorite part is the turkey prep 
Our turkey appetizer!
We had a really nice, relaxing evening with the Youngs...watched lots of funny You Tube videos (and of course the UK game!).  It's a sign of the times when a dinner guest joins the party via Skype...we all missed having Taylor with us, but we got to say hi and share some time with him over the computer.  It was almost like he was here instead of Romania (almost!).  We ate until we were stuffed and then spent the night hanging out.

Catching up with Taylor
Time to feast!
Tony succumbed to the turkey coma
On Thursday morning we got up early and headed to Russell County for the day (only the Antle side was celebrating on Thursday...the Lacys had dinner together on Friday this year).  Everyone got together at the Schureman's lake house, which is the perfect setting for food and fun.  The weather was gorgeous on Friday which meant all the kids (and grown ups too) could enjoy being outside, visiting and playing.  We had a wonderful time seeing them, and I'm so glad we made the trip down.  

Maddox and Keely are part of the newest generation 
Enjoying visiting outside before lunch 
Second cousins, classmates and great friends -
how cool is that?
Sarah and Taylor get crazy on the trampoline
Dad has his annual game for the little kids -
guess how much money is in the jar!  Emory
writes down her guess (to be revealed at Christmas!)
Touch football after lunch 
After hanging out with the Antle side all afternoon we headed down to the Lacys so that I could visit with Grandmother and see my cousin Brian and his wife Rosanni who were in town with Aunt Sherry and Uncle Bob for the week.  They have three little girls, all about 20 months apart, who are precious!  They were so fun to see, and they absolutely love to play with my dad.  He played "monster" with them the entire time we were there, and they loved every minute.  So cute!

John and Lawrence relax outside while we visit - they
are getting holiday weary!
Dad lets the little girls take a guess at the money jar
Four generation of Lacy women -
so blessed!
"Uncle Louis" plays with Ashlyn, Ainsley
and Jaden
Best playmate!
So we were really tired on the way home from Russell County, but for some reason that didn't stop us from letting the kids talk us into doing some Black Friday shopping with them.  Lawrence and I went shopping on Black Friday last year, just to experience it one time, and we swore we would never do it again.  This year a lot of the retailers decided to open at midnight, and the kids became obsessed with seeing what this madness was all about.  Since it was already late, we gave in and took them to see the insanity of Black Friday.  Lawrence and John headed to Macy's at midnight, while Sarah and I hit the Target in St. Matthews.  

The line wrapping around Target!
John gets ready to battle the ladies at Macy's
Luckily Sarah realized pretty quickly that this is CRAZY, and decided there was nothing in the store worth buying at this insane hour of the day, so after we walked around the aisles for about twenty minutes we went home.  Lawrence and John had already beat us there, but at least they actually bought a few gifts!

On Friday we stayed around the house and started decorating for Christmas.  That night we headed over to Dick's for our final feast, and this one truly did me in.  MT and Dick had prepared an amazing pork dish and finished off the meal with the state fair blue ribbon winning cake recipe, complete with a caramel icing that had the consistency of FUDGE.  It was soooooo good, and I was soooooo full after dinner that I could barely move, but it was worth it.  

Dick carves the pork masterpiece 
Dick and MT with the cake that did me in!
As if we hadn't done enough at this point, the next morning Lawrence, Dick, Bill and Rich headed to Lexington for the UK vs. Tennessee game.  Uncle Bill and Aunt Analiese were in town (how did I not get a picture with them?!), and the guys had a ball going to the game (sitting in a suite, no less!), and watching UK beat Tennessee for the first time in 26 years.  They didn't storm the field (although I bet they secretly wanted to), but they had a perfect day being together (very cool for one generation of brothers to get to spend the day with another generation of brothers).

Twin brothers, Dick and Bill
I'm not certain they aren't out there in that

Great day at Commonwealth Stadium
We didn't spend any of Thanksgiving with the Hamiltons, so that night the kids cooked up a plan to go ice skating together.  We met over at Iceland and Lawrence and I got to hang out and catch up with Joe and Shannon while the kids skated.  

Silly skaters
They begged to go get ice cream and do a sleepover, but the grown ups all agreed this holiday needs to end!!!  We are soooo tired, but have had a ball.  We need to go back to work now to get some rest!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone - we have much to be thankful for!

Fall Sports Wrap Up

This is the last of the fall sports posts - I promise!  I feel like most of what I've posted about this fall has revolved around field hockey and football, and a few weeks ago we came to the end of both seasons.  Sarah's team celebrated their season with a wonderful banquet at the Olmstead.  All three high school teams celebrated together, and we had a great night remembering highlights from the freshman, JV and varsity seasons.  Being a part of the high school program has been fun for Sarah this year...she's gotten to be around a lot of great, older girls, and I think it makes her excited for what's to come in her future years at CAL.  They may not be as competitive as teams like Assumption and Sacred Heart, but at the end of the season, they've all grown in their skills and more important, their character and friendships.  I think as a parent sometimes it's difficult to look past her performance on the field and remember that who she is becoming is more important that how well she plays on any given day.  I'm proud of all our girls and look forward to watching them grow even more in the years to come.

The freshman girls take a bow
This same week John practiced for the All Star game for his football league.  He was selected along with two other team mates to play on the All Star team for the "east", and they had four practices before a game against the "west" All Star team on Saturday.  This was a little challenging, because football takes a lot of time, and throwing a group of kids together for four practices doesn't give them much time to learn many plays, but John loved being on the team, and we were proud to watch him play with some of the best players in his league.  The game resulted in a 0-0 tie (again, hard to get much offense rolling when you've only practiced a few hours together), but all in all it was a good experience for him.  The All Star coach was pretty tough...John wasn't used to being screamed at quite so much, be we were proud that he took it all in stride and came off the field smiling.

He got to be one of the captains - #59
Time to block!
Playing center for the first time this season
John and his cheering section - the best part!

Three generations of football lovers

#1 Fan

Fellow Centurion All Stars, Harrison and Brandt
The boys actually missed their last practice to attend their banquet on Thursday night. I'm glad they skipped practice because they loved celebrating a great season with their team mates.  Here are some kind words John's defensive coach had to say about him.

I'm proud of both my's been a great season - can't wait for next year!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Few Fun Days

We've just had a wonderful two days off of school.  I don't know why our school scheduled an In Service right before the Thanksgiving holiday, but they did, so we were out of class on Thursday and Friday of this week.  Some folks chose to treat it as our fall break (because we didn't have an official fall break this year), and left town, but we just had a little "staycation" instead, and enjoyed having nowhere to go and all day to get there.  We slept in on Thursday morning and then met Lawrence for lunch at Lynn's Paradise Cafe.  

I don't know how my kids have lived in Louisville their entire lives and have never been to Lynn's (bad mom!), but they had not, so I enjoyed showing them this crazy place for the first time. We ate waaaaaay too much food...

John's favorite part was of course, the gift shop, but we made it out of there without buying anything (truly, a miracle).

Christmas card?

I think the kids loved it, and I feel better now that they've had a slice of a local treasure.  

From there we headed to the movies to see the "new" Footloose.  I gotta admit, I loved it.  So cheesy, but so good.  Now I'm going to make the kids watch the original, which I predict they will think is totally lame and stupid.  But I'm still going to make them.  I got to have dinner with my friend Jill Evans last night at Hammerheads in Germantown, which was a total dive and SO good.  My friend Brittany had told me their food was great, and that was an understatement.  The duck tacos were divine!

This morning we got up a little earlier and headed downtown for Veteran's Day.  It's 11/11/11 (that must mean something special!), and our first stop was to Walgreens to pick up some donations to take to the Frazier Museum to be sent to the troops.  They are collecting donations all month so we dropped off things like hand sanitizer, beef jerky (gross, but it's what they asked for) and instant coffee (oh, how I think our troops deserve Starbucks, but I guess instant will have to do).  After dropping off our donations we toured the museum for an hour before the Veteran's Day parade began on Main Street.  It was short, but very cool all the same, and I'm glad we did something to commemorate our country's veterans.  It's very hard for my or my kids' generations to understand the idea of war and service.  I know we are at war now, and my kids have a distant understanding of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, but I wouldn't say that we've had to sacrifice anything for these conflicts...I mean really sacrifice, like some many Americans did in the World Wars and Vietnam (or the Civil War, it's mind boggling).  If the time ever comes, will I be able to proudly give up my son to defend our country?  I don't even want to imagine that day ever coming, but I know it has for so many American families, and I feel trite dropping off some toothbrushes and foot powder to donate, but today, that's what we did, and I hope all our men and women in uniform know how vitally important they are, and how much we appreciate them.   We watched the parade and then headed home for a relaxing afternoon.  

Now it's Friday evening, and the house is quiet.  Sarah is babysitting up the street, and John is at the UK basketball game with the Weises.  Lawrence should be home soon, and I'm savoring some quiet time (aka, scrapbooking time!).  The sun is setting on 11/11/11...Happy Armistice Day!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Halloween 2011 was a great time!  We have had the most gorgeous fall, and the weather held for a fantastic night of trick or treating.  We had a packed house of goblins enjoying chili and snacks before heading out in the neighborhood. 

No one can get a word in with John talking about his
football game!
First we had to make sure all our costumes were just right.  Aunt Lori helped Sydney get her cow nose on straight...

And my friend Katie was the perfect "witch" with her sweet Snow White Sophie.  Don't eat that pretty red apple Sophie!

Soon I saw a grande Starbucks latte on the scene.  This made me miss our nephew Taylor, the best former Starbucks latte maker around!

Extra whip please!

Whoa, is that my dress from the SAE Wine and Roses dance in 1990???  Sarah was the perfect flapper in my old dress (that Meme made!), although throughout the night folks mistaked her for Taylor Swift.

But of course the two biggest kids on the block were Mike and Lawrence, otherwise known as Buddy the Elf and an Angry Bird (THE video game of 2011!).

The gang's all ready, so it's time to trick or treat!

Get ready Hurstbourne - here we come!
Lots of stops to make along the way...

First stop, our next door neighbors, the Conners

Running into a little girl Sarah babysits cute!

The biggest kids on the block
Running into friends along the way...John and Harrison

Visiting with neighbors

Last stop, John's principal's house!
Meme did a great job passing out candy for us

Uncle Tone had to give Tanner grief for not
trick or treating!  He was too busy practicing
with the VARSITY team tonight!
Happy Halloween from the Youngs!
Lawrence, Jill, Sarah, John and Duncan