Saturday, February 12, 2011

I LOVE the Saturday Morning Paper

Nothing starts out my weekend better than a Saturday morning with nowhere to be (I am so lazy).  We only subscribe to the Courier Journal weekend editions (I just never got around to reading the weekday editions, no matter how good my intentions), and I love to get up on Saturday morning and have my yummy cup of coffee and read, in this order, the Home and Garden section, the Scene, and then the front page and editorials.  If it's a really good Saturday morning, Lawrence has already gotten up and walked Duncan and gotten the paper out of the mailbox, which means I get to stay in my robe throughout this entire ritual, which is oh so lovely of a thing to be able to do (I love my robe too).  Sometimes I'll get crazy and read the sports page so that I can throw out interesting tidbits later in the day and catch Lawrence off guard.  I love the comfort of home, the couch, sleeping extra measure of time in the morning hours.  I guess you could say I like to eat the bread of idleness.  I probably need to work on that.  

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