Friday, July 19, 2013

Virginia Beach

Whew!  What a busy week it's been catching up from vacation.  We spent the week before last in Virginia Beach with the Young clan, and we haven't stopped since the minute we arrived home.  City swim meet, working extra hours to make up for last week and the start of both football and field hockey  (not to mention the laundry from the beach!) has meant a full schedule...all good, but busy!  It's nice to sit down and look back at the relaxing week we had in Virginia...

We stopped along the way for a visit to Washington & Lee University, and it was fun to see where Dick went to school and hear some of his stories from his time there.  Loved this beautiful campus, but I told the kids the ride to get there through the mountains of West Virginia could be a deal breaker if this school ever ends up on their short list! 

I think they could pass for students 
Had to make a stop at the bookstore for some W&L swag!
From there we headed over to Appomattox for some Civil War history.  This was a neat place to see, but before too long the kids were ready to get to the beach!

Pretty afternoon in Appomattox
A few hours later we arrived in Virginia Beach where we spent a great week with family on the beach.  Rich, Lori, Tanner, Taylor and his friend Ashley beat us there and had the house opened up and ready for us.  Dick rented a beautiful beach home with four floors of beach views, and everyone had a wonderful week relaxing and having fun...

Sand castle building...
Beach time
Our beautiful home for the week
Posing in the silly T-shirts John bought for everyone
The girls swimming with the dolphins - look how close they got!!
Celebrating Rich's birthday
Family beach pictures...MT's branch of the tree...
Lawrence's branch...
Rich's branch...
The whole gang...blessed to all be together  
Boogie boarding - so fun! 
Lots of playing (and pranking!)
A day in Williamburg -ready to tour the village
(the black bandanas are for a game there called
RevQuest - which Sydney, Tonyand MT won!)
Family time 
Dick and his kiddos
Chill time at the surf
The week went by fast and before long it was time to pack up and had home.  Tanner left on Thursday to attend the Manning Passing Academy in New Orleans...Lawrence, the kids  and I headed out on Friday morning to get home in time for City Meet, and the rest of the gang said good bye on Saturday.  We had a great week together, and we are so blessed and grateful to Badoo for giving us such a nice trip.  

Thursday, July 4, 2013

John's 12th Birthday Party

After a looooooooong break from posting, I'm going to attempt to get back to documenting our life on the blog!  Instead of trying to catch up, I'm just going to jump in where we are today, which is celebrating John's 12th birthday.  His actual birthday is this upcoming Saturday, July 6th, but since we will be on the road to our Young family vacation in Virginia Beach we had his family party this past Tuesday night.  He requested to have his party that night because he wanted to go the "midnight" showing of the Lone Ranger, which opened that night (I guess that's not too late for a 12 year old, huh?).  The first showing that night was actually at 10:30, which felt "midnight-ish" enough to me!  It's been raining at some point practically every day these last few weeks, so I was glad we had a nice evening to hang out on the deck and celebrate my not-so-little man turning 12.

That afternoon I made his annual jersey birthday cake.  This year he requested a Kentucky jersey, which I'm sort of surprised we hadn't already done.  He didn't love having the number 12 on it, because that was Kentucky's not so great point guard last year, Ryan Harrow, but it was also worn by former Wildcat and NBA player Brandon Knight, so that made it a bit better!  

May be my best yet (easy letters to cut out!)
Check it out
Like I said, the weather was perfect so we spent most of the evening playing in the back yard.  My parents were in Bowling Green for my second cousin Eric Wallace's funeral visitation, so they were missed, but the rest of us enjoyed hanging out and catching up.

Super Syd playing some whiffle ball
Uncle Tony schooling the kids in basketball

Tanner with a three!
Recovering from basketball!  Uncle Tone is hard
to keep up with!
Of course Sarah and Claire were playing field hockey
Time to open presents
A HUGE bag of candy (thanks, Hamiltons!)
Lots of "green" gifts this year - always fits!
Lots of visiting...
...and laughing
Time for cake
Making a wish 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Back to Blogging

Why hello there, Blog!  Long time no write!  I've been thinking of you often, but for some reason never get around to stopping by, but I think now is the time to catch you up on what's been going on in 2013. Since it's already March there have been lots of fun happenings, so I'll just start with this last weekend, which was the celebration of Shannon's 50th birthday.  

I can't believe my big sis turned 50 this weekend!  That must mean I'm not far behind!  But, I'll have to say that if I'm half as full of life as she is as 50, I'll be just fine.  She looks better than ever and is loving her busy life as a wife, mom, attorney, daughter, sister, friend and all around diva!  We celebrated with a big dinner at one of her and Joe's favorite restaurants, Corbett's.  Joe put together a delicious five course meal in a private room for 18 of us, and we had a fantastic night celebrating.  Good conversation, lots of laughter, fabulous food and wine...again, if this is what 50 looks like, I'll take it!

Happy Birthday Big Sister!  Love you!

The birthday girl
Let Shannon-Fest begin! 
Joe raises a toast to his lovely bride
Of course there's a UofL shout out in the group shot!  Birds of a
Love my family! Hope we get to celebrate lots
more milestones together!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

So Long, 2012!

Today we're exactly one week into the new year, and I'm just beginning to recover from my holiday hangover.  I've said to several of my friends that I believe I ate 1,000 cookies (okay, maybe 999, but it was close to 1,000!), drank 25 gingerbread lattes and at least 10 bottles of red wine.  Last Wednesday was my first day back to boot camp, and it was rough!  But throughout all my overindulging were countless days and nights filled with holiday fun, and I'm entering 2013 with a heart full of thanksgiving.

I think I have close to five hundred photos from the Christmas season, but here are a few (actually, more than a few!) of my favorite moments I don't want to forget...

Lawrence and I usually try to take an afternoon off of work during December to do a good portion of our Christmas shopping.  We sometimes have lunch to make it a bit more festive, but this year I surprised him and had my mom and dad stay with Sarah and John so that we could spend the evening downtown at 21c.  When he met me at lunch time to start our shopping (which, let's face it, isn't a guy's favorite way to spend the day), I told him to pack his bag because when we were done we were going on a little vacation!  He was so excited, and we had a wonderful night in the city.  This was such a fun way to start the season...we actually did get a lot of shopping done that day too!

King of his castle
Heading out to dinner
Soon the last week of school was here, which brought class parties and music programs.  John had his first band performance playing his baritone, and he also performed in several recorder numbers.

John was my constant companion and elf this season, wanting to bake cookies, watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas music every chance he could get.  We had a fun afternoon baking cookies and having a slumber party in front of the Christmas tree the night before Christmas Eve.

Am I smiling because I didn't have to make my cookie dough?
Love Pillsbury sugar cookie dough rolls!
Baking buddies
And to all a good night!
Christmas Eve was a busy day, cooking, wrapping, and preparing for family to come over that night.  We went to Christmas Eve service at 3:00 that afternoon, and it was as if a timer buzzed and all the preparation for the holiday was over.  It was time to worship and reflect on the gift of Christ and it felt so good to let that "to do" list go.  After service was over we met the Young family back at our house to begin a wonderful time of celebration.

Reminiscing with what else?  My Christmas
scrapbooks!  This made my heart warm!
Looks who's home!  Nana was happy to see Taylor...
...cause he's so fun!
This family of four was happy to all be together! 
Lawrence and Sarah made a video on iMovie of Christmases past...
a huge hit! 
A very teenage Christmas...all on their phones  
Swapping stories around the table
The merry Milliners
These two are always laughing...(is it at me??)
Pam and Doug were able to join us this year
Nike Elite socks for John...his favorite!
Nana opens some goodies 
Taylor brought Sarah and Sydney pretty bracelets and
ornaments from Turkey 

It wasn't long before the big red bag arrived on the front door step, filled with goodies for young and old!

Mmmm, who would the softball sweatshirt be for?
How did Santa know Tony had run over his binoculars this fall? 
A wireless DS card for this social media loving photographer 
Classic Atari for Rich 
NCAA Football 2013 - this QB loves this gift!
Mmmm...some good scotch for Badoo
MT... a lifelong gamer!  Her new XBox game makes her smile!
Merry Christmas from the Young clan!
John woke up around 5:00 on Christmas morning, but after telling him there was NO way we were getting up yet, he fell back asleep until around 7:00.  Soon we were downstairs seeing what Santa had left and exchanging gifts with one another.  Santa was so good to everyone!

New boots for Sarah
Never too old for a stocking
A Pandora bracelet - wow, Santa is a sweetheart! 
This scarf will look great at a UK football game!
Ready for our trip out west this summer
Black Ops patches for John's camo jacket  
CAL gear for this sports loving dad
New books from Mom
Spirit wear!
Centurion gear! 
Yeah, that new headband might need some adjusting... 
Electric wine opener
John loved these shoes Sarah picked out for him

Been wondering what this is...
Awww, a Scrabble board with words about me! 

My boy is crafty!
Here was my reaction when I opened Lawrence's gift
to for new carpet!  I've soooooo
been wanting this!   
Our traditional Christmas breakfast 
That evening we went over to Dick's house and had another delicious meal of ham, beaten biscuits (made by Dick and MT on Florencie's beaten biscuit board!), grits and creamed peas (John's favorite!).  The cousins had fun hanging out, and Sarah received a special gift from Badoo...her varsity letter sweater.  She was so surprised and had never even noticed we had sneaked her letter and pins out of the house.  Badoo had given Tanner his letterman's jacket last Christmas, so this seems to be the start of a tradition.  Given Badoo's love of sports and his time spent as a varsity coach, I can't think of a more meaningful gift.  She loves it!

Sarah checks out Taylor's new iPad Mini
Dick opens a great new read 
Sydney gets something good!
Looking good!
Coach Young with his two varsity lettermen
Dick also gifted us all with another week at the beach this summer.  This year we are going to Virginia Beach, which I've never been to.  I'm excited to visit Williamsburg and some other historic sites while we're there.

That Friday after Christmas we celebrated with Mom and Dad and had our first family gathering at their new home.  I must say, it felt just right.  We didn't miss the old homestead like I thought we might, and while our dinner wasn't too fancy since their kitchen is being renovated (who doesn't love Wick's pizza??), we still had a wonderful night in their new place.  I think this was the first of many fun gatherings there.

John thanks Aunt Shannon for his Dick's gift card 
Something new for this slimmed down Fit Chick
First family dinner in the new place
Dad opens this year's Santa
A new belt for Lawrence
Claire loved her new iPhone camera lenses
Bruce loved his new Williams Lacrosse T-shirt and Nike gift card 
John loved the little miniature Nike shoebox his gift card came in 
A sound bar for Papa
Massages for Lawrence 
A snazzy new yoga mat for me - my old one is disgusting!
Charlie Strong Maker's Mark bottle for Joe - just in time for the Cards
to win the Sugar Bowl!
Nancy gave Shan and I several items from Gran and Pop's china
cabinet, which we loved.  She is the best gift giver, ever.  

New accessories for Meme's new kitchen
Merry Christmas from the Antles!
On Saturday we enjoyed a morning at Paintball Asylum.  Rich, Lori, Tanner and Taylor set up a morning of family fun as a Christmas gift, and fun we had!  Sarah was too scared to join in (although after seeing it wasn't as scary as she thought it would be she probably wishes she had), but the rest of us suited up and fired away at one another!  I had never played paintball, so I can mark this off my bucket list now.  I was surprised I actually shot some people!  It was a really fun morning and we definitely made some memories.

The Milliners are ready to rumble!
Call of Duty has come to life!
Don't we look sweet? 
Lori and her boys 
Let's do this
Lori surrenders! 
Tony and Taylor stalk the other team 
And THAT'S why we wear a mask!
I sort of look like I know what I'm doing (I so don't!)

Lawrence waits for this right shot...
...and now he fires away!
Go Lori!
 On New Year's Eve went to the lake to recover from all the fun (not that the lake's not fun, but you know what I mean).  We drove over to Nashville for the day and spent some time in Franklin and down on Broadway.  We were back at the lake house in time to watch a movie, eat a frozen pizza and toast the new year at midnight.  What a perfect end to a great holiday season.  On the car ride home, Lawrence and I looked back on all the great times we had in 2012.  There were too many to count, and if 2013 brings us even half a many blessings as this past year, we'll be thrilled.  Happy New Year!