Monday, February 7, 2011

I LOVE Dinner at My Parent's House

No matter how old I get, I love the warmth and comfort of being in my parent's home.  My mother is such a wonderful homemaker...she has always planned her weekly menu with care, and it is such a treat when she invites us for dinner.  It's not just that she is a good's that she also blesses her table with the little details that make a meal a meal.  Candles.  Fresh tea (with fresh lemons).  Salad.  Bread.  And always, coffee with dessert.  So many of my friends have lost one, or both, of their parents, and I know at my age I am beyond lucky to still have both of mine, and to live in the same city, and to get to have dinner on a regular basis.  I don't take this for granted.  Every time I'm there I take a mental snapshot and hide it in my heart.  Every time is a gift, and something I truly love.

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