Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring Break, Yard Work and Our Math Olympian

We had a quiet spring break at home this year (at least John, Lawrence and I did).  This was the first year since Sarah was in kindergarten that we didn't go somewhere for spring break, and I must say, it was quite relaxing.  It was sooooo nice to have a week off of everything - boot camp, the morning routine, sports games and practices.  Sarah was invited to go to West Virginia with the Jesse family, where she got to zip line, mountain bike, rock climb and go white water rafting.  Needless to say, she had a blast!

Who hoo!  Looks fun - and COLD!
The weather was nice here, and John, Lawrence and Tanner headed down to the lake for a few days of fishing and boy time.  They cooked over the campfire, attempted to fish (I don't think they caught anything!) and achieved their first sun burns of the season (just because it's only 70 degrees doesn't mean you don't need sunscreen!).  While they were gone I relaxed, read, scrapbooked and watch a ton of Downton Abbey on Apple TV (I'm hooked on that show).  So nice.

On Wednesday John and I went bowling with my godson, Oliver, and his little brother, Dylan.  It was so great to spend time with them!  I only see Oliver a time or two a year, but he and John always pick right up where they left off.  As soon as we picked them up the boys were all chattering away in the car about school, video games and sports.  They are such fun boys to be around, and we had a great time at King Pin.  I was the exact same age as John when I met their momma, Mary Oliver.  Time has flown!

Go Dylan! 
Nice moves, Oliver! 
Three good looking boys 
Arcade time!
Who's going to win?? 
Jackpot!  Lots of tickets!
This week it was hard to get back in the routine, but we've managed okay.  Sarah went to Papa's house yesterday and learned to cut the grass.  Now, I just want to point out that when I had to cut his grass, it was NEVER on a riding lawn mower!  It still probably wouldn't have stopped me from complaining about it...I was a terrible teenage grass cutter....I moaned and groaned the entire time, took a break about every five minutes (resulting in an hour job taking twice as long).  I also think I only got paid $3, which is a bit less than the going rate these days.  Regardless, she enjoyed herself, made some good money, and now she has learned a valuable life skill.

Almost done!
Not even sweating! 
Master lawn care instructor and his student
When we were leaving I peeked into the garage to see some signage that my dad has been working on for my niece Claire's "Lacrosse Jamboree" coming up at the end of the month.  It looks so good!  Here's an example of one of the signs he made:

Such an artist!
A really cool thing happened today.  A few months ago, John was preoccupied with making the "Math Olympics" at school.  He is so competitive, and he always gets obsessed with winning the spelling bee and stuff like that.  Every year they pick three kids from the third, fourth and fifth grades to represent the school in the ASCI Math Olympics.  I believe they said over 300 kids compete (they take a written test) from 11 schools.  Well, after much stress and fretting, John made it for the fourth grade, and back in March he took the final test.  Today in chapel they recognized the kids who had represented our school, and he asked me to come see him (even though he figured he was just getting a participation ribbon).  They called all the kids up there from each grade, and then they recognized a few that had placed in the top 5 among all the schools.  There were a few that came in 5th place, and a 5th grader even got 2nd place.  Then Mrs. Warlick said we even had one student who won FIRST PLACE in the fourth grade division, and it was....drumroll please....John Young!  He was so shocked!  He couldn't wipe the grin off his face as he made his way back to his seat.  As soon as chapel ended he wanted to call his dad (so glad he heard his phone and picked up on the first ring!).  I am so proud of him!  

Getting his blue ribbon and MEDAL

Guess what, Dad?? 
Proud of this boy! 
A congratulatory hug from his wonderful
teacher, Mrs. Dennison.  She's proud too!
Spring is wonderful these beautiful day after the next.  My azealas make me smile right now.  Why can't they stay this way all summer?


  1. Congratulations, John! Wow! I love that you have a picture of him on the phone telling his dad...priceless!

  2. you are the best, jill! we love you:-)
