Friday, January 21, 2011

Whole Lotta Playin' Goin' On

We have turned into one of those families I've always been judgemental about...the kind who let their kids play on more than one sports team at a time.  Against my better judgement John is playing on THREE basketball teams right now (and let me just say, I should have listened to my gut instinct because it's way too much for him AND me).  However, he truly loves to play and is most content in life when he has a practice or a game on the horizon.  He is so competitive and takes basketball very seriously.  His favorite team is the Packers (aka the St. Margaret Mary Mustangs).  His coach, Bob Bender, is very tough on him, and he loves it.  His other two teams are CAL teams, and he is one of the older kids on both teams.  These teams aren't quite as competitive so I've been telling him to use these experiences to learn how to be a leader and encourager.  Does he listen to me?  Who knows.  Regardless, there's a whole lotta playin' goin' on!

CAL Wildcats - Basketball Academy

1 comment:

  1. OMG..he towers over these other kids! :) No wonder he loves it so much!
